Blah 13: Ass

My ass hurts. The price of, seemingly, being normal. Or feeling normal. Or pretending to be normal, to the point in which it doesn’t look as fucking unnatural as it usually looks for me. I don’t get it, though. Why do people come to these pretentious coffee shops in Jægersborggade, sit on a fucking uncomfortable…

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Blah 12: Urine

“I am a man of simple taste who likes complex women.” I’m sitting on the train, the sun hitting my face through the window. Trying not to fall asleep, I look at people getting on and off the train. A middle age man comes in the scene. He’s wearing normal clothes, an average haircut, grey…

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El mundo se cae a pedazos y yo me caigo a pedazos con él. La angustia diaria no me deja dormir, respirar, comer, masturbarme, sentir una pequeña pizca de paz o de sentido. Depresión, ansiedad, insomnio; todo mezclado en un cóctel con un alto contenido de alcohol y falta de decencia. A la mierda con…

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Blah 11: Phone

A couple sits a few of meters away from me in the park. The guy seems like a regular, boring Dane. The girl looks generally uninteresting. I look down at my book, as the wind blows cold in another cloudy Copenhagen summer day. I’m very anxious, taking deep breaths and focusing on the reading to…

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Fin de semana

Hace un par de años escribí algunos artículos sobre cómo ser “exitoso con las mujeres.” Me sentía, de alguna forma, iluminado y bendecido por los dioses del amor y el sexo, y pensaba que podría transmitir ésto a aquellos menos afortunados que yo. Estaba, por supuesto, equivocado. No hay un método para tal “éxito,”, y…

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