Full. Color. Gray.

You can kill the man, but you cannot destroy The Artist. A very wise woman told me “Take yourself seriously.” In life. In love. In everything. And I am, ever since she said those words to me. In that spirit, I’ve taken my time to make my artistic career into something -hopefully- profitable. Wanna know…

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Joseph (The Cuck)

Mary The Whore, Mary The Saint Is the kid mine? Does this “Holy Spirit” have a name? You fucked me like no virgin Wish you’d fuck me Again And in my sleepless nights I wonder Is this child mine? Or is your “God” a man? Please tell me the truth (if any) Holy Mary Full…

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Her taste dissolves in glasses of passing days The intensity of her mouth and its flavour Watered down and washed away by the infinity Spawned Between the last fuck and my hasty, final, angry goodbye Resentment recedes beyond my hairline Then bounces back and blinds me My eyes are banned from looking back into hers…

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