Woke up, around 11am. Put a slice of cheddar cheese on top of last night’s 7-Eleven pizza and warmed it up in the oven. Breakfast, lunch and hangover food, combined. Problem solved. “Sunday’s already looking great,” I thought. A least, way better than last Sunday, when I broke my 7 month standing record of not…
Read moreOn decadence
“Being drunk fucking sucks.” 5:57am. Sunday. Yeah, I wanted M and at that time this seemed like a great conversation opener. “Maybe we’ll fuck,” I thought, in my drunkeness. Of course she didn’t reply to my message, so we clearly did not fuck. She probably didn’t even get the message until some hours later, at…
Read moreOn Re/Start
I’m gonna tell you a little secret: every time I write, I play the Untitled album by Sigur Rós. I don’t know for how long I’ve been doing it, but I like to listen to it. It soothes me and gets my creative juices flowing. Ironically -and this is just something I realized a few…
Read moreThe state of things
Think of a year. Maybe 2014. Mid-January. Summer. Now, think of a place. Around South America. Say Chile. Santiago de Chile. Downtown. Barrio Brasil. There’s this okay building, with a decent apartment on the sixth floor. Behind some shitty dark brown curtains, there’s a bed. There’s a guy lying in that bed. He’s 30 years…
Read moreOn Death
“I am going to die today.” It was decided. Ah, what a glorious death that was! Left alone, in the middle of nowhere. Set to be burnt by the sun and frozen by the cold night of the driest desert in the world. There was no escape from that. A stupid, unnecessary, but obvious death….
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