Pasar Agosto
“Wow, she’s hot!” my new lesbian colleague said when I showed her a picture of C. “I know,” I replied. Gulped some more beer, looked out the window. It was a ra...
To understand me, you need to know my story.
“Wow, she’s hot!” my new lesbian colleague said when I showed her a picture of C. “I know,” I replied. Gulped some more beer, looked out the window. It was a ra...
When it’s all said and done, the doors and windows have closed and the bridges are burnt down to ashes, what can you say? What words can convey the storm raging...
Skies are raging tonight. There’s a thunderstorm; outside on the streets of Copenhagen and within me. Loud rain, loud pain. We couldn’t make it past this mornin...
I don’t give a fuck. I mean, I don’t just give one, meaningless fuck. I give many, way too many fucks. It feels me with anger and frustration. All I see are the...
It’s not been easy. I sank myself into a hard life of loneliness, filling void with emptiness. I dug and walked down the deep hell of alcoholism, random s...