Her taste dissolves in glasses of passing days
The intensity of her mouth and its flavour
Watered down and washed away by the infinity
Between the last fuck and my hasty, final, angry goodbye
Resentment recedes beyond my hairline
Then bounces back and blinds me
My eyes are banned from looking back into hers
Distant now in fading memories of who she was
(Or whom she said she was)
My big nose gave up seeking her fragrance
Of sweat and tears and worn out workout clothes
In the proximity of sheets
Impregnated with solitude
Ears are emptied of her voice
And the laughs and moans and the “Fuck you’s” and “Fuck me’s” and the fucking lies and fluctuating narratives and relativist rants
Reset and go
Go and move on
Open your senses to the current events
The Here
The Now
The What’s and Whatnot’s
Woke and awaken
Us both
But apart
We are new born strangers
Being born at the death of night